With a goal as high as creating a MMORPG, I honestly reccomend you to create a name which you've done your homework on (wikipedia.com is a start).
If you are focusing on a name to accomodate the likes of elves and orcs, it would be more practical to base your name around letters that where considered casual in times of classical civilization and before. A more medieval approach could easily be fused with a word such as Zindux - by merely replacing the letters 'z' and 'x' (rare letters within Latin times), nouns such as 'Tindur', 'Sindus', 'Ginduh', Lindun', ect. can be formed. Such could be used to label a landmark, a popular god, a state of mind, a mythical landscape or a historical war.
Other than brainstorming, a simple, casual approach could be put into place - this consists of using a common, two - syllable noun (e.g Bathroom), rearranging the letters back to front (Moorthab) and then putting the syllables backwards (Thabmoor).
However, a more futuristic name is commonly related to syllables the average person isn't familiar to. These are generally based around 1, 3, 4 or 5+ syllables.